Musicians of the Globe - Shakespeare's Musick
FLAC+Cue+Log | Covers+Booklet | 1 CD | 323 Mb (4 files, 3% Recovery) | Rs.com
Classical: Renaissance | Recording date: April 1995 (London)
“ This program is specifically related to Shakespeare, although should probably not be taken to consist precisely of music performed during or around his plays. Most of the material, however, is derived from them. In other cases, it should perhaps be taken more as representative of the general music-making. ”
Shakespeare's Musick
Songs & Dances from Shakepeare's Plays
Musicians of the Globe - Philip Pickett
Philips 446 687
1. Anon: Hollis Berrie (broken consort)
2. Anon: Daphne (broken consort)
3. Anon: My Robin Is to the Greenwood Gone (broken consort)
4. Anon: Tickle my Toe (broken consort)
5. Morley: It Was a Lover and his Lass (2 sopranos, consort)
6. Anon: Kemp's Jig (lute)
7. John Wilson (1595-1674): Take, O Take Those Lips Away (soprano, lute)
8. Giles Farnaby: Bonny Sweet Robin (harpsichord)
9. Robert Jones (1597-1615): Farewell, Dear Love (baritone, lute)
10. Dowland: Tarletones Riserrectione (lute)
11. Anon: Hold, Lingel, Hold (mezzo-soprano, consort)
12. Anon: How Should I your True Love Know (soprano, consort)
13. Anon: Walsingham (lute arr. Holborne)
14. Robert Johnson?: Get You Hence (2 sopranos, baritone, consort)
15. Morley: La Coranto (consort)
16. Byrd: La Coranto (virginal)
17. Johnson?: Hark, Hark! The Lark (soprano, lute)
18. Morley: La Volta (consort)
19. Morley: La Volta (virginal arr. Byrd)
20. Anon: The Poor Soul Sat Sighing (soprano, lute)
21. Anon: Robin (lute)
22. Morley: O Mistress Mine (baritone, lute)
23. Byrd: O Mistris Mine (virginal)
24. Johnson: Full Fathom Five (soprano, lute)
25. Johnson: Where the Bee Sucks, There Suck I (soprano, lute)
26. Morley: Can She Excuse (broken consort)
27. Morley: Go from my Window (broken consort)
28. [Morley?: John Come Kiss me Now? (broken consort) - track not listed]
Special thanks for this link to our friends at Andes donde andes y más cosas -one of the loveliest blogs on the net! Gracias, Sankanab!!
link not found. any chance to reupload? would be very nice. thanks in advance
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